Sunday, December 19, 2010

Carol Olivia Ivers

Full name: Carol Olivia Ivers

Birth Date: February 13, 1985

Astrological sign: Aquarius

Birth Place: California

Age: 25

Hair color: Warm brown

Hair Style: Wavy

Description: She has long, wavy brown hair, which ends at the middle of her back. She has thin, high arched eyebrows that are almost the exact shade of her hair. Large Eyes, with long eyelashes. She has a long, thin nose and full lips with her cupids bow very defined.

Eye color: Violet

Skin tone: Olive

Body type: slim.

Height: 5’7

Weight: 120 pounds.

Mother: Elizabeth Ivers

Father: James Ivers

Bedroom description: Very simple, king sized bed, with brown covers and two windows. The walls are also a beige color.

School life: recently graduated, was an honor student, very average but beautiful. She was known for her violet eyes.

Religion: Christianity, but lacks going to church.

Worst memory: High heel breaking during prom.

Best memory: When her and all her friends took a trip to the beach during her senior year.

Proud of: grades she graduated with.

Attitude: Very classy, wise woman.

Phobias: Claustrophobic.

Music: alternative.

Books: classics

Foods: mostly anything.

Drinks: water or Pepsi.

Sports: played soccer back in high school.

Color: Azure (blue)

Clothing: jeans, blouses, dresses, dresses very nice

Past lovers: A boy in high school by the name of Matthew Kent. She was in love with him and planned to marry him until he abruptly dumped her.

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